Ready to sub with edustaff? HERE’S what you’ll need to apply.

Become an Edustaff Substitute.

Whether you’re looking for a flexible schedule or more steady employment, substitute teaching through Edustaff offers competitive pay, access to health and 401(k) benefits, the chance to work at a school you’d consider a future employer, and a great way to be involved in your child’s or grandchild’s school and stay active in your community.

A smiling substitute teacher holding a tablet in front of a class of high school students.

State-Specific Requirements

State Required Fees
  • Substitute Teaching License - $38 + additional $3 if paid online
  • Fingerprints - $44.95
Educational Requirements
  • Have proof of high school diploma, or GED equivalent
  • Completion of the Alabama Substitute Teacher License
Substitute Teacher License

Substitute license application must be completed by individual and submitted by school administrator to the Educator Certification Section. A non-refundable fee is made payable to the Alabama Department of Education.

Criminal History Background Check

A fingerprinting background check will be included in the approval of the Substitute License through

State Required Fees
  • State/FBI Fingerprinting - $40 (district specific)
  • Substitute Teacher License - $50 (reimbursed by ISBE after 10 days worked)
  • First Time Substitute Teacher License Registration - $60
  • Physical/TB- Average $100-$110 (cost may vary by locations)
  • Drug Screen (requirement varies by district)
Educational Requirements
  • Hold a Professional Education License (PEL)
  • Substitute License: Bachelor’s Degree or Higher from regionally accredited institution of higher education
  • Short-Term Substitute License: Completion of 60 semester credits OR Associate’s Degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education

Substitute license application must be completed by individual and submitted to Edustaff.

Create an account at

Official Transcripts must be requested and sent to: OR

Illinois State Board of Education

Educator Effectiveness E-240

100 North First Street

Springfield, IL62777

Criminal History Background Check

A fingerprinting background is required for all new substitutes in all districts in Illinois.

Additional State Requirements

Mandated Reporter Training -!loginPage.action

State Required Fees
  • Indiana Substitute Permit - $15.70
  • Expanded Background Checks through Safe Hiring - Start at $28.95
Educational Requirements
  • Valid Indiana Teaching License, OR
  • Current Sub Permit + Official Transcripts, HS Diploma, or GED Equivalent

Foreign Transcripts:

An official "course-by-course" foreign credentials evaluation report, which translates your non-US coursework into US equivalents is required. This evaluation may be obtained from any of the following:

Criminal History Background Check

A background check is required to be run on all employees in a public school setting.

State Required Fees
  • Emergency Substitute License - $70
  • Fingerprint Card - $50
Educational Requirements
  • Must have completed a Kansas or Out Of State Approved Teacher Preparation Program OR
  • Standard Substitute License (Bachelor's Degree and completed Kansas or Out of State Approved Teacher Prep Program) OR
  • Emergency Substitute License (Completed 60 semester credit hours from a regionally accredited college or university)

Your first emergency substitute license will be valid for the school year in which you apply through June 30th. Each renewal of an emergency substitute teaching license will be valid for two school years.  You can apply to renew an emergency at

Criminal History Background Check

As an applicant for Initial Substitute and Emergency Substitute Licensing, you must undergo a criminal history background check as part of the application process. Fill out the fingerprint card, which will be provided to you by your college’s licensure officer or may be ordered online.  Take it to your local police station, where your fingerprints will be taken and where you will sign the card in the presence of a law enforcement officer. You must mail the card along with a check for the necessary fees to the Kansas State Department of Education, Teacher Education and Licensure, 120 SE 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66612-1182.

You must submit one fingerprint card and a $50 fee for the purpose of a KBI and FBI background clearance if:

  1. You are applying for your first Kansas license
  2. Your most recent Kansas certificate/license has expired
  3. You have never submitted a fingerprint card or fee as part of any previous application for a Kansas certificate or license

State Required Fees
  • Substitute Permit (renewed annually) - $45
  • Fingerprints - $65-$80
Educational Documents
  • Current Michigan Teaching Certificate (Substitute Permit not required)
  • Temporary Teaching Authorization
  • Expired Michigan Teaching Certification
  • Transcripts with a total of 60* credit hours and a minimum 2.0 GPA from accredited college/university
  • Out of State Teaching Certificate accompanied by an undergraduate transcript from a two or four-year accredited college/university showing 60* credit hours and a minimum 2.0 GPA

*Some school districts may require more than 60 credit hours.


Michigan Department of Education requires the institution to be recognized by either the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the US Department of Education (USDE).

  • Acceptable foreign transcript: Credits completed at an accredited teacher preparation institution in on of the following four provinces of Canada are acceptable and do not need to be evaluated:
    • Ontario
    • Newfoundland
    • Quebec (unless the transcript is not in English)
    • Saskatchewan
  • Unacceptable Foreign Transcripts: If a transcript is from a foreign college or university and does not meet the above requirements, the transcript must be evaluated by an accredited agency (see "Foreign Credit Evaluation Agencies" below).

The State of Michigan, as well as Edustaff, requires all individuals regularly providing instructional, food, custodial, transportation, counseling, or administrative services in a public or private school, or instructional or auxiliary services to special education students to be electronically printed under the SE – MI SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT (MCL 380.1230a) reason code.

For K-12 positions, if previously fingerprinted for MI School Employment, your fingerprint results must meet the following requirements in order to be valid:

  • Fingerprints were taken after January 1, 2006.
  • You have been regularly and continuously employed by a K-12 educational institution or its 3rd party staffing company since being printed.

If your fingerprints do not meet these requirements, you must use the Edustaff live scan request form to be fingerprinted. For a list of approved live scan vendors, please visit the Michigan State Police LiveScan vendor list at the following link:

Other live scan sites may be available through the sheriff or local police departments. Fees vary depending on choice of location.

All higher education staff must have a Risk Aware criminal background check completed by Edustaff. Edustaff employees requiring a Risk Aware criminal background check will be subjected to a ten dollar processing fee.

Foreign Credit Evaluation Agencies

World Education Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 5087
Bowling Green Station
New York, NY 10274-5087
Telephone: (212) 966-6311
Chicago Telephone: (312) 222-0882
Fax: (212) 739-6120
Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.
P.O. Box 514070
Milwaukee, WI 53203-3470
Telephone: (414) 289-3400
Fax: (414) 289-3411
International Education Research Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 3665
Culver City, CA 90231-3665
Telephone: (310) 258-9451
Fax: (310) 342-7086

State Required Fees
  • Substitute Certificate - $50 (plus tax)
  • DESE Approved Sub Training Course - $180 (plus tax) *only required if minimum Educational Requirements are not met
    • Frontline Education’s 20-Hour Online Course:
  • Fingerprints - $44.75
  • MO Family Care Safety Registry - $15.55
Educational Requirements
  1. Hold a current teaching certificate from the State of Missouri.
  2. OR
  3. Apply for a Content Substitute Teacher Certificate through the Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (Official Transcripts must be submitted to DESE)
  4. Minimum requirement:
    • 36 semester credit hours completed from a regionally accredited college, academic degree-granting college or university. Transcripts submitted directly to DESE.
    • OR
    • For those with less than 36 semester credit hours, DESE requires certificate of completion from approved substitute teaching and a copy of HS Diploma or GED equivalent, or HS equivalency test (HiSET).

Foreign Transcripts:

Foreign credentials must be submitted to a United States credentialing agency that provides a transcript analysis service. The analysis must be translated into English and include the following: specific course titles, credit hours earned, letter grades received, the cumulative grade point average, and a statement verifying the completed program's equivalency to a United States degree. One of the following companies may be used to provide a transcript evaluation:

  • World Education Services, Inc.
    Phone: 212-966-6311
    Contact the agency for instructions before sending documents.
Criminal History Background Check

A fingerprinting background check will be included in the approval of the Substitute Teacher Certificate through Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE). Please contact Edustaff for your district code before applying for your Substitute Teacher Certificate.

Ancillary employees will need to be fingerprinted

  • These offenses regardless of when committed:
  • Crimes where a conviction limits ability to be near school property under State law (incest, endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree, use of a child in a sexual performance, promoting a sexual performance by a child, sexual exploitation of a minor, promoting child pornography, and furnishing pornographic material to minors).
  • Any offense under Chapter 566 (sex offense) or equivalent offenses from other jurisdictions, including any offense that requires registration as a sex offender.
  • Any other offense where the applicant was over 18 and a child under 17 years of age was the victim.
  • Any violent or forcible felony (murder, manslaughter, first or second degree assault, robbery, first degree arson).
  • Manufacturing, distribution, delivery of controlled substance.
  • These offenses if committed either
  • within the last 10 years or
  • at any time if the person also has a conviction for any crime within 2 years other than for minor traffic offenses:
  • Any felony weapons offense (armed criminal action, felony unlawful use of a weapon)
  • Any other felony within 5 years
  • These offenses within the last 2 years: Misdemeanor assault
  • More than 3 convictions for offenses other than minor traffic offenses.

Substitute Teacher Requirements

State Required Fees
  • Substitute License Application Fee: $180
  • Fingerprint Fee: ~ $40
Education Requirements
  • High school diploma or equivalent (Emergency Sub License)
    • Certain districts only.
  • Associates degree or 60 credits from an accredited institution
License Information
  • To begin an application for your substitute license, go to to log into the state's OPAL system (Online Portal).
  • You will need to submit official transcripts to the Nevada Department of Education as part of the application process.  
  • Once the Department of Education receives your application, you will get an email with instructions to complete your fingerprint background check. There may be an additional charge from the fingerprint provider when you schedule or arrive at your appointment.
Background Check
  • Applicants for an educator license are encouraged to submit fingerprints electronically via Livescan once you have submitted your licensure application and payment through OPAL.
    • If there is not an approved Livescan location where you live, you will have to submit a fingerprint card. Most Nevada law enforcement agencies and school districts will not submit fingerprints via Livescan for the Department of Education, but can take your prints and give you a fingerprint card to turn in.
  • Learn More: Nevada Department of Education Background Process
Additional Information
  • Carson City School District requires a pre-employment drug screen and acknowledgement of internet/acceptable use policy.

New Jersey
State Required Fees
  • Fingerprints (if not previously completed) - $66.05
  • Archived Prints - $29.75
  • Transferred Prints - $6.00
Educational Requirements

In order to qualify to be a substitute teacher in the state of New Jersey, you must:

  1. Hold a New Jersey educator credential (teacher, administrator, educational services); OR
  2. Apply for a substitute-specific credential:
  • Substitute Credential
  • At least 30 semester hour credits at a regionally-accredited college or university
  • Criminal history background clearance
  • Career and Technical Education (CTE) Substitute Credential (authorized to serve only in a CTE classroom)
  • Two years of full-time work experience in the past five years in a related field
  • Criminal history background clearance
Credential/Certificate Service Limit (in same class per year) Related Process
Substitute Credential;
Educational Services or
Administrative Certificates
20 instructional days Upon extenuating circumstances, a substitute may serve up to 40 total instructional days in same classroom. School district must notify the Executive County Superintendent if teacher substitutes in same classroom beyond 20 days.
CTE Substitute Credential 40 instructional days n/a
CE or CEAS not in subject area of classroom where substitute is placed. 40 instructional days School district must notify the Executive County Superintendent if teacher substitutes in same classroom for more than 20 days.
Standard certificate not in subject area of classroom where substitute is placed. 40 instructional days
CE or CEAS in subject area of classroom where substitute is placed. Can be extended from 60 instructional days to up to one academic year; for an extension beyond 60 days, CEAS and CE substitutes must:

  • Have a provisional certificate;
  • Be enrolled in or have completed a mentoring program; and
  • Be enrolled in or have completed CE or CEAS educator preparation program
School district must notify the Executive County Superintendent if teacher substitutes in same classroom for more than 60 days.
Standard certificate not in subject area of classroom where substitute is placed. Can be extended from 60 instructional days to up to one academic year.

Service Limits – New Jersey

Employee Reference Check

Pursuant to P.L. 2018, c. 5, as part of the application process, each applicant shall complete one form for the applicant’s current employer(s) and separate forms for each of the applicant’s former employers for the last 20 years that were school entities or where the applicant was employed in a position having direct contact with children. The applicant must also authorize, by signature, the release of information regarding child abuse and/or sexual misconduct from the current and/or former employers. Edustaff is prohibited from hiring an applicant for a position involving regular contact with students if the applicant does not provide the information and authorization required by law.

Criminal History Background Check

Fingerprinting: The Criminal History Review Unit (CHRU) conducts criminal background checks of applicants for positions in New Jersey’s public schools, private schools for students with disabilities, charter schools, and nonpublic schools, as well as for authorized vendors and authorized school bus contractors, by working through the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This must be completed prior to employment at the expense of the applicant.
An individual shall be permanently disqualified from employment or service under this act if the individual’s criminal history record check reveals a record of conviction for any crime of the first or second degree; or

A. An offense as set forth in chapter 14 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, or as set forth in N.J.S.2C:24-4 and 2C:24-7, or as set forth in R.S.9:6-1 et seq., or as set forth in N.J.S.2C:29-2; or

B. An offense involving the manufacture, transportation, sale, possession, distribution or habitual use of a “controlled dangerous substance” as defined in the “Comprehensive Drug Reform Act of 1987,” N.J.S.2C:35-1 et al. or “drug paraphernalia” as defined pursuant to N.J.S.2C:36-1 et seq.; or


(1) A crime involving the use of force or the threat of force to or upon a person or property including, but not limited to, robbery, aggravated assault, stalking, kidnapping, arson, manslaughter and murder; or
(2) A crime as set forth in chapter 39 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, a third-degree crime as set forth in chapter 20 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, or a crime as listed below:

  • Recklessly endangering another person N.J.S.2C:12-2
  • Terroristic threats N.J.S.2C:12-3
  • Criminal restraint N.J.S.2C:13-2
  • Luring, enticing child into motor vehicle, structure or isolated area P.L.1993, c.291 (C.2C:13-6)
  • Causing or risking widespread injury or damage N.J.S.2C:17-2
  • Criminal mischief N.J.S.2C:17-3
  • Burglary N.J.S.2C:18-2
  • Usury N.J.S.2C:21-19
  • Threats and other improper influence N.J.S.2C:27-3
  • Perjury and false swearing N.J.S.2C:28-3
  • Resisting arrest N.J.S.2C:29-2
  • Escape N.J.S.2C:29-5
  • Bias intimidation N.J.S.2C:16-1; or

(3) Any crime of the fourth degree involving a victim who is a minor; or
(4) Conspiracy to commit or an attempt to commit any of the crimes described in this act.

d. For the purposes of this section, a conviction exists if the individual has at any time been convicted under the laws of this State or under any similar statutes of the United States or any other state for a substantially equivalent crime or other offense.

e. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, an individual shall not be disqualified from employment or service under this act on the basis of any conviction disclosed by a criminal record check performed pursuant to this act without an opportunity to challenge the accuracy of the disqualifying criminal history record.

f. When charges are pending for a crime or any other offense enumerated in this section, the employing board of education shall be notified that the candidate shall not be eligible for employment until the commissioner has made a determination regarding qualification or disqualification upon adjudication of the pending charges.

New Mexico

Substitute Teacher Requirements

State Required Fees
  • Substitute License: $50
  • Fingerprint Fee: ~ $59
Education Requirements
  • Minimum 18 years old (minimum 21 years old to sub at secondary level)
  • High school diploma or equivalent
License Information
  • Apply for Initial Substitute license (valid for3 years) via the

NMPED OnlineLicensure Portal

  • Submit a copy of the Superintendent’s Verification Form
Background Check
  • Completed through IdentoGo:

Instructions found here

  • Reason code: Teacher Licensure
State Required Fees
  • National Criminal History Record Check - $58.25
  • Additional annual Background Check - $22.50
Educational Requirements
  • Have proof of high school diploma, or GED equivalent OR
  • Completion of the Oklahoma Teacher License
Criminal History Background Check

A fingerprinting background check through OSDE.

State Required Fees
  • Support Staff ONLY: State/FBI Fingerprinting (FieldPrint) – Approx. $86 - Please wait to be printed until you submit payment at your scheduled Edustaff Workshop.
  • Substitute Teacher: Approx. $280 for NEW License (includes State/FBI Fingerprinting + FieldPrint)
Educational Requirements (Support Staff)

General Support Staff includes but not limited to: Paraprofessional, Custodial, Food Services, or Secretary - positions vary by districts.

  • Obtain a High School Diploma or GED Equivalent
Educational Requirements (Substitute Teacher)
  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher (regionally accredited or foreign equivalent)
  • Have a valid and active non-provisional teaching license from another state; or
  • Have completed an Oregon teacher preparation program that resulted in eligibility for a non-provisional Oregon teaching license;
  • Pass a criminal background clearance, including fingerprints, if necessary.

*You are not required to take the Civil Rights exam if you have ever held an Oregon Basic License or Standard License or if you have ever successfully taken and passed the exam.

Substitute Teacher License

The Substitute Teaching License is issued to educators who have completed a teacher preparation program but do not hold a regular Oregon teaching license. The Substitute Teaching License permits an educator to substitute teach in prekindergarten through grade 12 Oregon public school districts, education service districts, and charter school assignments to replace a teacher who is temporarily unable to work.

Term of License:  Three years

Restricted Substitute Teacher License

The Restricted Substitute Teaching License is issued to qualified individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree, but have not completed a teacher preparation program. It requires district sponsorship. The Restricted Substitute Teaching License permits a qualified individual to substitute teach in a prekindergarten through grade 12 Oregon public school district, education service districts, and charter school assignments to replace a teacher who is temporarily unable to work.

Term of License: First License: One year.

Subsequent licenses:  Three years if you maintain same district sponsor.

FIRST LICENSE: To meet the minimum qualifications for the Restricted Substitute Teaching License, you must:

  • Have a letter of sponsorship from your employing school district (Provided by your sponsoring district directly to TSPC);
  • Be 18 years or older;
  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher (regionally accredited or foreign equivalent)
  • Pass the required Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment exam;
  • Pass a criminal background clearance, including fingerprints, if necessary.

To begin the application for your license though TSPC, please follow the link:

Criminal History Background Check

(1) The Teacher Standards and Practices Commission may suspend or revoke the license or registration of a teacher or administrator, discipline a teacher or administrator, or suspend or revoke the right of any person to apply for a license or registration, if the licensee, registrant or applicant has held a license or registration at any time within five years prior to issuance of the notice of charges under ORS 342.176 based on the following:

(a) Conviction of a crime not listed in ORS 342.143 (3);

(b) Gross neglect of duty;

(c) Any gross unfitness;

(d) Conviction of a crime for violating any law of this state or any state or of the United States involving the illegal use, sale or possession of controlled substances;

(e) Any false statement knowingly made in an application for issuance, renewal or reinstatement of a license or registration; or

(f) Failure to comply with any condition of reinstatement under subsection (4) of this section or any condition of probation under ORS 342.177 (3)(b).

(2) If a person is enrolled in an approved educator preparation program under ORS 342.147, the commission may issue a public reprimand or may suspend or revoke the right to apply for a license or registration based on the following:

(a) Conviction of a crime listed in ORS 342.143 (3) or a crime described by the commission by rule;

(b) Conviction of a crime for violating any law of this state or any state or of the United States involving the illegal use, sale or possession of controlled substances; or

(c) Any conduct that may cause the commission to issue a public reprimand for a teacher or to suspend or revoke the license or registration of a teacher.

(3) The commission shall revoke any license or registration and shall revoke the right of any person to apply for a license or registration if the person has been convicted of any crime listed in ORS 342.143 (3).

(4) (a) Except for convictions for crimes listed in ORS 342.143 (3) and subject to subsection (5) of this section, any person whose license or registration has been revoked, or whose right to apply for a license or registration has been revoked, may apply to the commission for reinstatement of the license or registration after one year from the date of the revocation.

(b) Any person whose license or registration has been suspended, or whose right to apply for a license or registration has been suspended, may apply to the commission for reinstatement of the license or registration.

(c) The commission may require an applicant for reinstatement to furnish evidence satisfactory to the commission of good moral character, mental and physical health and such other evidence as the commission may consider necessary to establish the applicant’s fitness. The commission may impose a probationary period and such conditions as the commission considers necessary upon approving an application for reinstatement.

(5) The commission shall reconsider immediately a license or registration suspension or revocation or the situation of a person whose right to apply for a license or registration has been revoked, upon application therefor, when the license or registration suspension or revocation or the right revocation is based on a criminal conviction that is reversed on appeal.

(6) Violation of rules adopted by the commission relating to competent and ethical performance of professional duties shall be admissible as evidence of gross neglect of duty or gross unfitness.

(7) A copy of the record of conviction, certified to by the clerk of the court entering the conviction, shall be conclusive evidence of a conviction described in this section.

Educational Requirements
  • Hold a Valid Utah Teaching License
  • Have proof of High School Diploma, or GED equivalent
Criminal History Background Check

A fingerprinting background check through LiveScan Fingerprinting will be included in the approval of the district.

State Required Fees
  • Special Education Program Aide License - $100
  • Substitute License - $125
Educational Requirements

In order to qualify to be a substitute teacher in the state of Wisconsin, you must:

  1. Hold a current Substitute Teaching License (three-year or five-year), with a minimum of an associate degree
  2. Meet the requirements of a background check
  3. Meet the requirements of fingerprinting (if applicable)
  4. Provide documentation of negative TB test within last 90 days

Substitute Teacher Permit and License

Evidence of a permit or license must be submitted as part of the Edustaff application process.

Three-Year Short-Term Substitute Permit

A three-year substitute permit may be issued (through Wisconsin DPI) to an applicant who holds an associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university but has not completed a state-approved educator preparation program.
The three-year substitute permit allows the permit holder to be in a short-term (no more than 45 days in a specific assignment) substitute assignment. This permit does not allow the holder to be in a long-term substitute assignment. For long-term substitute assignments, the applicant may apply for a License with Stipulations if requested by a school district. A License with Stipulations requires the educator to be enrolled in and complete a state-approved educator preparation program in the subject or grade level of their assignment under the License with Stipulations.

Five-Year Substitute License

The five-year substitute license may be issued (through Wisconsin DPI) to an applicant who has completed a state-approved educator preparation program through an accredited four-year bachelor degree granting institution and has held, or is eligible to hold, a Wisconsin license or the equivalent license in another state.
A five-year substitute license allows a licensed teacher to be a long-term substitute in the subject and grade level in which the teacher is licensed. It also allows the teacher to be a short-term (no more than 45 days in a specific assignment) substitute in a subject or grade level outside his/her license area. This license is valid for 5 years with an option to renew.
For long-term substitute assignment outside the subject or grade level of the license, the applicant may apply for an emergency license if requested by a school district. An emergency license requires the license holder to be enrolled in and complete a state-approved educator preparation program in the subject or grade level of his/her assignment under the emergency license.

Criminal History Background Check

The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is required by law to conduct a background check on each applicant for a Wisconsin educator license/permit regardless of whether it is an initial request or a renewal request. The primary purpose of a background check is to determine if the applicant has engaged in any behavior that endangers the health, welfare, safety or education of pupils.
Because a background check is a required step in processing all license/permit applications, all applicants must:

  • Complete a Conduct and Competency questionnaire which is thoroughly completed, including all required documentation and information.
  • If an applicant meets the requirements specified on the first question of the Conduct and Competency, submit fingerprints.
  • If there is some type of misconduct that needs to be reported, you will need to prepare and attach a written explanation of what happened, and, when applicable, gather and SCAN complete copies of any related criminal complaint, criminal judgment, police reports, disciplinary letters/findings, correspondence, etc., as applicable. (Note: information printed from the CCAP web site is NOT sufficient)
  • All supporting documents must be available for uploads as attachment in the online application system.

Failure to submit all necessary information in support of an application will result in a significant delay in processing and may result in denial of an application.

Fingerprint Requirement

The following applicants are required to submit fingerprints to the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) when applying for a license:

  • Applicants who have worked, resided, or physically attended classes in any of the locations listed below within the last twenty years (after age 17):
  • U.S. states other than Wisconsin
  • Listed U.S. territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, or Virgin Islands)
  • Canada
  • Great Britain (England, Scotland, or Wales)
  • Applicants, who since their most recent submission of fingerprints to DPI have worked, resided, or physically attended classes in any locations listed above.
  • Applicants who provide an address on their application that is in any of the locations listed above.
State Required Fees
  • Substitute Teaching License - $38 + additional $3 if paid online
  • Fingerprints - $44.95
Educational Requirements
  • Have proof of high school diploma, or GED equivalent
  • Completion of the Alabama Substitute Teacher License
Substitute Teacher License

Substitute license application must be completed by individual and submitted by school administrator to the Educator Certification Section. A non-refundable fee is made payable to the Alabama Department of Education.

Criminal History Background Check

A fingerprinting background check will be included in the approval of the Substitute License through

State Required Fees
  • State/FBI Fingerprinting - $40 (district specific)
  • Substitute Teacher License - $50 (reimbursed by ISBE after 10 days worked)
  • First Time Substitute Teacher License Registration - $60
  • Physical/TB- Average $100-$110 (cost may vary by locations)
  • Drug Screen (requirement varies by district)
Educational Requirements
  • Hold a Professional Education License (PEL)
  • Substitute License: Bachelor’s Degree or Higher from regionally accredited institution of higher education
  • Short-Term Substitute License: Completion of 60 semester credits OR Associate’s Degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education

Substitute license application must be completed by individual and submitted to Edustaff.

Create an account at

Official Transcripts must be requested and sent to: OR

Illinois State Board of Education

Educator Effectiveness E-240

100 North First Street

Springfield, IL62777

Criminal History Background Check

A fingerprinting background is required for all new substitutes in all districts in Illinois.

Additional State Requirements

Mandated Reporter Training -!loginPage.action

State Required Fees
  • Indiana Substitute Permit - $15.70
  • Expanded Background Checks through Safe Hiring - Start at $28.95
Educational Requirements
  • Valid Indiana Teaching License, OR
  • Current Sub Permit + Official Transcripts, HS Diploma, or GED Equivalent

Foreign Transcripts:

An official "course-by-course" foreign credentials evaluation report, which translates your non-US coursework into US equivalents is required. This evaluation may be obtained from any of the following:

Criminal History Background Check

A background check is required to be run on all employees in a public school setting.

State Required Fees
  • Emergency Substitute License - $70
  • Fingerprint Card - $50
Educational Requirements
  • Must have completed a Kansas or Out Of State Approved Teacher Preparation Program OR
  • Standard Substitute License (Bachelor's Degree and completed Kansas or Out of State Approved Teacher Prep Program) OR
  • Emergency Substitute License (Completed 60 semester credit hours from a regionally accredited college or university)

Your first emergency substitute license will be valid for the school year in which you apply through June 30th. Each renewal of an emergency substitute teaching license will be valid for two school years.  You can apply to renew an emergency at

Criminal History Background Check

As an applicant for Initial Substitute and Emergency Substitute Licensing, you must undergo a criminal history background check as part of the application process. Fill out the fingerprint card, which will be provided to you by your college’s licensure officer or may be ordered online.  Take it to your local police station, where your fingerprints will be taken and where you will sign the card in the presence of a law enforcement officer. You must mail the card along with a check for the necessary fees to the Kansas State Department of Education, Teacher Education and Licensure, 120 SE 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66612-1182.

You must submit one fingerprint card and a $50 fee for the purpose of a KBI and FBI background clearance if:

  1. You are applying for your first Kansas license
  2. Your most recent Kansas certificate/license has expired
  3. You have never submitted a fingerprint card or fee as part of any previous application for a Kansas certificate or license

State Required Fees
  • Substitute Permit (renewed annually) - $45
  • Fingerprints - $65-$80
Educational Documents
  • Current Michigan Teaching Certificate (Substitute Permit not required)
  • Temporary Teaching Authorization
  • Expired Michigan Teaching Certification
  • Transcripts with a total of 60* credit hours and a minimum 2.0 GPA from accredited college/university
  • Out of State Teaching Certificate accompanied by an undergraduate transcript from a two or four-year accredited college/university showing 60* credit hours and a minimum 2.0 GPA

*Some school districts may require more than 60 credit hours.


Michigan Department of Education requires the institution to be recognized by either the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the US Department of Education (USDE).

  • Acceptable foreign transcript: Credits completed at an accredited teacher preparation institution in on of the following four provinces of Canada are acceptable and do not need to be evaluated:
    • Ontario
    • Newfoundland
    • Quebec (unless the transcript is not in English)
    • Saskatchewan
  • Unacceptable Foreign Transcripts: If a transcript is from a foreign college or university and does not meet the above requirements, the transcript must be evaluated by an accredited agency (see "Foreign Credit Evaluation Agencies" below).

The State of Michigan, as well as Edustaff, requires all individuals regularly providing instructional, food, custodial, transportation, counseling, or administrative services in a public or private school, or instructional or auxiliary services to special education students to be electronically printed under the SE – MI SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT (MCL 380.1230a) reason code.

For K-12 positions, if previously fingerprinted for MI School Employment, your fingerprint results must meet the following requirements in order to be valid:

  • Fingerprints were taken after January 1, 2006.
  • You have been regularly and continuously employed by a K-12 educational institution or its 3rd party staffing company since being printed.

If your fingerprints do not meet these requirements, you must use the Edustaff live scan request form to be fingerprinted. For a list of approved live scan vendors, please visit the Michigan State Police LiveScan vendor list at the following link:

Other live scan sites may be available through the sheriff or local police departments. Fees vary depending on choice of location.

All higher education staff must have a Risk Aware criminal background check completed by Edustaff. Edustaff employees requiring a Risk Aware criminal background check will be subjected to a ten dollar processing fee.

Foreign Credit Evaluation Agencies

World Education Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 5087
Bowling Green Station
New York, NY 10274-5087
Telephone: (212) 966-6311
Chicago Telephone: (312) 222-0882
Fax: (212) 739-6120
Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.
P.O. Box 514070
Milwaukee, WI 53203-3470
Telephone: (414) 289-3400
Fax: (414) 289-3411
International Education Research Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 3665
Culver City, CA 90231-3665
Telephone: (310) 258-9451
Fax: (310) 342-7086

State Required Fees
  • Substitute Certificate - $50 (plus tax)
  • DESE Approved Sub Training Course - $180 (plus tax) *only required if minimum Educational Requirements are not met
    • Frontline Education’s 20-Hour Online Course:
  • Fingerprints - $44.75
  • MO Family Care Safety Registry - $15.55
Educational Requirements
  1. Hold a current teaching certificate from the State of Missouri.
  2. OR
  3. Apply for a Content Substitute Teacher Certificate through the Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (Official Transcripts must be submitted to DESE)
  4. Minimum requirement:
    • 36 semester credit hours completed from a regionally accredited college, academic degree-granting college or university. Transcripts submitted directly to DESE.
    • OR
    • For those with less than 36 semester credit hours, DESE requires certificate of completion from approved substitute teaching and a copy of HS Diploma or GED equivalent, or HS equivalency test (HiSET).

Foreign Transcripts:

Foreign credentials must be submitted to a United States credentialing agency that provides a transcript analysis service. The analysis must be translated into English and include the following: specific course titles, credit hours earned, letter grades received, the cumulative grade point average, and a statement verifying the completed program's equivalency to a United States degree. One of the following companies may be used to provide a transcript evaluation:

  • World Education Services, Inc.
    Phone: 212-966-6311
    Contact the agency for instructions before sending documents.
Criminal History Background Check

A fingerprinting background check will be included in the approval of the Substitute Teacher Certificate through Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE). Please contact Edustaff for your district code before applying for your Substitute Teacher Certificate.

Ancillary employees will need to be fingerprinted

  • These offenses regardless of when committed:
  • Crimes where a conviction limits ability to be near school property under State law (incest, endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree, use of a child in a sexual performance, promoting a sexual performance by a child, sexual exploitation of a minor, promoting child pornography, and furnishing pornographic material to minors).
  • Any offense under Chapter 566 (sex offense) or equivalent offenses from other jurisdictions, including any offense that requires registration as a sex offender.
  • Any other offense where the applicant was over 18 and a child under 17 years of age was the victim.
  • Any violent or forcible felony (murder, manslaughter, first or second degree assault, robbery, first degree arson).
  • Manufacturing, distribution, delivery of controlled substance.
  • These offenses if committed either
  • within the last 10 years or
  • at any time if the person also has a conviction for any crime within 2 years other than for minor traffic offenses:
  • Any felony weapons offense (armed criminal action, felony unlawful use of a weapon)
  • Any other felony within 5 years
  • These offenses within the last 2 years: Misdemeanor assault
  • More than 3 convictions for offenses other than minor traffic offenses.

Substitute Teacher Requirements

State Required Fees
  • Substitute License Application Fee: $180
  • Fingerprint Fee: ~ $40
Education Requirements
  • High school diploma or equivalent (Emergency Sub License)
    • Certain districts only.
  • Associates degree or 60 credits from an accredited institution
License Information
  • To begin an application for your substitute license, go to to log into the state's OPAL system (Online Portal).
  • You will need to submit official transcripts to the Nevada Department of Education as part of the application process.  
  • Once the Department of Education receives your application, you will get an email with instructions to complete your fingerprint background check. There may be an additional charge from the fingerprint provider when you schedule or arrive at your appointment.
Background Check
  • Applicants for an educator license are encouraged to submit fingerprints electronically via Livescan once you have submitted your licensure application and payment through OPAL.
    • If there is not an approved Livescan location where you live, you will have to submit a fingerprint card. Most Nevada law enforcement agencies and school districts will not submit fingerprints via Livescan for the Department of Education, but can take your prints and give you a fingerprint card to turn in.
  • Learn More: Nevada Department of Education Background Process
Additional Information
  • Carson City School District requires a pre-employment drug screen and acknowledgement of internet/acceptable use policy.

State Required Fees
  • Fingerprints (if not previously completed) - $66.05
  • Archived Prints - $29.75
  • Transferred Prints - $6.00
Educational Requirements

In order to qualify to be a substitute teacher in the state of New Jersey, you must:

  1. Hold a New Jersey educator credential (teacher, administrator, educational services); OR
  2. Apply for a substitute-specific credential:
  • Substitute Credential
  • At least 30 semester hour credits at a regionally-accredited college or university
  • Criminal history background clearance
  • Career and Technical Education (CTE) Substitute Credential (authorized to serve only in a CTE classroom)
  • Two years of full-time work experience in the past five years in a related field
  • Criminal history background clearance
Credential/Certificate Service Limit (in same class per year) Related Process
Substitute Credential;
Educational Services or
Administrative Certificates
20 instructional days Upon extenuating circumstances, a substitute may serve up to 40 total instructional days in same classroom. School district must notify the Executive County Superintendent if teacher substitutes in same classroom beyond 20 days.
CTE Substitute Credential 40 instructional days n/a
CE or CEAS not in subject area of classroom where substitute is placed. 40 instructional days School district must notify the Executive County Superintendent if teacher substitutes in same classroom for more than 20 days.
Standard certificate not in subject area of classroom where substitute is placed. 40 instructional days
CE or CEAS in subject area of classroom where substitute is placed. Can be extended from 60 instructional days to up to one academic year; for an extension beyond 60 days, CEAS and CE substitutes must:

  • Have a provisional certificate;
  • Be enrolled in or have completed a mentoring program; and
  • Be enrolled in or have completed CE or CEAS educator preparation program
School district must notify the Executive County Superintendent if teacher substitutes in same classroom for more than 60 days.
Standard certificate not in subject area of classroom where substitute is placed. Can be extended from 60 instructional days to up to one academic year.

Service Limits – New Jersey

Employee Reference Check

Pursuant to P.L. 2018, c. 5, as part of the application process, each applicant shall complete one form for the applicant’s current employer(s) and separate forms for each of the applicant’s former employers for the last 20 years that were school entities or where the applicant was employed in a position having direct contact with children. The applicant must also authorize, by signature, the release of information regarding child abuse and/or sexual misconduct from the current and/or former employers. Edustaff is prohibited from hiring an applicant for a position involving regular contact with students if the applicant does not provide the information and authorization required by law.

Criminal History Background Check

Fingerprinting: The Criminal History Review Unit (CHRU) conducts criminal background checks of applicants for positions in New Jersey’s public schools, private schools for students with disabilities, charter schools, and nonpublic schools, as well as for authorized vendors and authorized school bus contractors, by working through the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This must be completed prior to employment at the expense of the applicant.
An individual shall be permanently disqualified from employment or service under this act if the individual’s criminal history record check reveals a record of conviction for any crime of the first or second degree; or

A. An offense as set forth in chapter 14 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, or as set forth in N.J.S.2C:24-4 and 2C:24-7, or as set forth in R.S.9:6-1 et seq., or as set forth in N.J.S.2C:29-2; or

B. An offense involving the manufacture, transportation, sale, possession, distribution or habitual use of a “controlled dangerous substance” as defined in the “Comprehensive Drug Reform Act of 1987,” N.J.S.2C:35-1 et al. or “drug paraphernalia” as defined pursuant to N.J.S.2C:36-1 et seq.; or


(1) A crime involving the use of force or the threat of force to or upon a person or property including, but not limited to, robbery, aggravated assault, stalking, kidnapping, arson, manslaughter and murder; or
(2) A crime as set forth in chapter 39 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, a third-degree crime as set forth in chapter 20 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, or a crime as listed below:

  • Recklessly endangering another person N.J.S.2C:12-2
  • Terroristic threats N.J.S.2C:12-3
  • Criminal restraint N.J.S.2C:13-2
  • Luring, enticing child into motor vehicle, structure or isolated area P.L.1993, c.291 (C.2C:13-6)
  • Causing or risking widespread injury or damage N.J.S.2C:17-2
  • Criminal mischief N.J.S.2C:17-3
  • Burglary N.J.S.2C:18-2
  • Usury N.J.S.2C:21-19
  • Threats and other improper influence N.J.S.2C:27-3
  • Perjury and false swearing N.J.S.2C:28-3
  • Resisting arrest N.J.S.2C:29-2
  • Escape N.J.S.2C:29-5
  • Bias intimidation N.J.S.2C:16-1; or

(3) Any crime of the fourth degree involving a victim who is a minor; or
(4) Conspiracy to commit or an attempt to commit any of the crimes described in this act.

d. For the purposes of this section, a conviction exists if the individual has at any time been convicted under the laws of this State or under any similar statutes of the United States or any other state for a substantially equivalent crime or other offense.

e. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, an individual shall not be disqualified from employment or service under this act on the basis of any conviction disclosed by a criminal record check performed pursuant to this act without an opportunity to challenge the accuracy of the disqualifying criminal history record.

f. When charges are pending for a crime or any other offense enumerated in this section, the employing board of education shall be notified that the candidate shall not be eligible for employment until the commissioner has made a determination regarding qualification or disqualification upon adjudication of the pending charges.

Substitute Teacher Requirements

State Required Fees
  • Substitute License: $50
  • Fingerprint Fee: ~ $59
Education Requirements
  • Minimum 18 years old (minimum 21 years old to sub at secondary level)
  • High school diploma or equivalent
License Information
  • Apply for Initial Substitute license (valid for3 years) via the

NMPED OnlineLicensure Portal

  • Submit a copy of the Superintendent’s Verification Form
Background Check
  • Completed through IdentoGo:

Instructions found here

  • Reason code: Teacher Licensure
State Required Fees
  • National Criminal History Record Check - $58.25
  • Additional annual Background Check - $22.50
Educational Requirements
  • Have proof of high school diploma, or GED equivalent OR
  • Completion of the Oklahoma Teacher License
Criminal History Background Check

A fingerprinting background check through OSDE.

State Required Fees
  • Support Staff ONLY: State/FBI Fingerprinting (FieldPrint) – Approx. $86 - Please wait to be printed until you submit payment at your scheduled Edustaff Workshop.
  • Substitute Teacher: Approx. $280 for NEW License (includes State/FBI Fingerprinting + FieldPrint)
Educational Requirements (Support Staff)

General Support Staff includes but not limited to: Paraprofessional, Custodial, Food Services, or Secretary - positions vary by districts.

  • Obtain a High School Diploma or GED Equivalent
Educational Requirements (Substitute Teacher)
  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher (regionally accredited or foreign equivalent)
  • Have a valid and active non-provisional teaching license from another state; or
  • Have completed an Oregon teacher preparation program that resulted in eligibility for a non-provisional Oregon teaching license;
  • Pass a criminal background clearance, including fingerprints, if necessary.

*You are not required to take the Civil Rights exam if you have ever held an Oregon Basic License or Standard License or if you have ever successfully taken and passed the exam.

Substitute Teacher License

The Substitute Teaching License is issued to educators who have completed a teacher preparation program but do not hold a regular Oregon teaching license. The Substitute Teaching License permits an educator to substitute teach in prekindergarten through grade 12 Oregon public school districts, education service districts, and charter school assignments to replace a teacher who is temporarily unable to work.

Term of License:  Three years

Restricted Substitute Teacher License

The Restricted Substitute Teaching License is issued to qualified individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree, but have not completed a teacher preparation program. It requires district sponsorship. The Restricted Substitute Teaching License permits a qualified individual to substitute teach in a prekindergarten through grade 12 Oregon public school district, education service districts, and charter school assignments to replace a teacher who is temporarily unable to work.

Term of License: First License: One year.

Subsequent licenses:  Three years if you maintain same district sponsor.

FIRST LICENSE: To meet the minimum qualifications for the Restricted Substitute Teaching License, you must:

  • Have a letter of sponsorship from your employing school district (Provided by your sponsoring district directly to TSPC);
  • Be 18 years or older;
  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher (regionally accredited or foreign equivalent)
  • Pass the required Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment exam;
  • Pass a criminal background clearance, including fingerprints, if necessary.

To begin the application for your license though TSPC, please follow the link:

Criminal History Background Check

(1) The Teacher Standards and Practices Commission may suspend or revoke the license or registration of a teacher or administrator, discipline a teacher or administrator, or suspend or revoke the right of any person to apply for a license or registration, if the licensee, registrant or applicant has held a license or registration at any time within five years prior to issuance of the notice of charges under ORS 342.176 based on the following:

(a) Conviction of a crime not listed in ORS 342.143 (3);

(b) Gross neglect of duty;

(c) Any gross unfitness;

(d) Conviction of a crime for violating any law of this state or any state or of the United States involving the illegal use, sale or possession of controlled substances;

(e) Any false statement knowingly made in an application for issuance, renewal or reinstatement of a license or registration; or

(f) Failure to comply with any condition of reinstatement under subsection (4) of this section or any condition of probation under ORS 342.177 (3)(b).

(2) If a person is enrolled in an approved educator preparation program under ORS 342.147, the commission may issue a public reprimand or may suspend or revoke the right to apply for a license or registration based on the following:

(a) Conviction of a crime listed in ORS 342.143 (3) or a crime described by the commission by rule;

(b) Conviction of a crime for violating any law of this state or any state or of the United States involving the illegal use, sale or possession of controlled substances; or

(c) Any conduct that may cause the commission to issue a public reprimand for a teacher or to suspend or revoke the license or registration of a teacher.

(3) The commission shall revoke any license or registration and shall revoke the right of any person to apply for a license or registration if the person has been convicted of any crime listed in ORS 342.143 (3).

(4) (a) Except for convictions for crimes listed in ORS 342.143 (3) and subject to subsection (5) of this section, any person whose license or registration has been revoked, or whose right to apply for a license or registration has been revoked, may apply to the commission for reinstatement of the license or registration after one year from the date of the revocation.

(b) Any person whose license or registration has been suspended, or whose right to apply for a license or registration has been suspended, may apply to the commission for reinstatement of the license or registration.

(c) The commission may require an applicant for reinstatement to furnish evidence satisfactory to the commission of good moral character, mental and physical health and such other evidence as the commission may consider necessary to establish the applicant’s fitness. The commission may impose a probationary period and such conditions as the commission considers necessary upon approving an application for reinstatement.

(5) The commission shall reconsider immediately a license or registration suspension or revocation or the situation of a person whose right to apply for a license or registration has been revoked, upon application therefor, when the license or registration suspension or revocation or the right revocation is based on a criminal conviction that is reversed on appeal.

(6) Violation of rules adopted by the commission relating to competent and ethical performance of professional duties shall be admissible as evidence of gross neglect of duty or gross unfitness.

(7) A copy of the record of conviction, certified to by the clerk of the court entering the conviction, shall be conclusive evidence of a conviction described in this section.

Educational Requirements
  • Hold a Valid Utah Teaching License
  • Have proof of High School Diploma, or GED equivalent
Criminal History Background Check

A fingerprinting background check through LiveScan Fingerprinting will be included in the approval of the district.

State Required Fees
  • Special Education Program Aide License - $100
  • Substitute License - $125
Educational Requirements

In order to qualify to be a substitute teacher in the state of Wisconsin, you must:

  1. Hold a current Substitute Teaching License (three-year or five-year), with a minimum of an associate degree
  2. Meet the requirements of a background check
  3. Meet the requirements of fingerprinting (if applicable)
  4. Provide documentation of negative TB test within last 90 days

Substitute Teacher Permit and License

Evidence of a permit or license must be submitted as part of the Edustaff application process.

Three-Year Short-Term Substitute Permit

A three-year substitute permit may be issued (through Wisconsin DPI) to an applicant who holds an associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university but has not completed a state-approved educator preparation program.
The three-year substitute permit allows the permit holder to be in a short-term (no more than 45 days in a specific assignment) substitute assignment. This permit does not allow the holder to be in a long-term substitute assignment. For long-term substitute assignments, the applicant may apply for a License with Stipulations if requested by a school district. A License with Stipulations requires the educator to be enrolled in and complete a state-approved educator preparation program in the subject or grade level of their assignment under the License with Stipulations.

Five-Year Substitute License

The five-year substitute license may be issued (through Wisconsin DPI) to an applicant who has completed a state-approved educator preparation program through an accredited four-year bachelor degree granting institution and has held, or is eligible to hold, a Wisconsin license or the equivalent license in another state.
A five-year substitute license allows a licensed teacher to be a long-term substitute in the subject and grade level in which the teacher is licensed. It also allows the teacher to be a short-term (no more than 45 days in a specific assignment) substitute in a subject or grade level outside his/her license area. This license is valid for 5 years with an option to renew.
For long-term substitute assignment outside the subject or grade level of the license, the applicant may apply for an emergency license if requested by a school district. An emergency license requires the license holder to be enrolled in and complete a state-approved educator preparation program in the subject or grade level of his/her assignment under the emergency license.

Criminal History Background Check

The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is required by law to conduct a background check on each applicant for a Wisconsin educator license/permit regardless of whether it is an initial request or a renewal request. The primary purpose of a background check is to determine if the applicant has engaged in any behavior that endangers the health, welfare, safety or education of pupils.
Because a background check is a required step in processing all license/permit applications, all applicants must:

  • Complete a Conduct and Competency questionnaire which is thoroughly completed, including all required documentation and information.
  • If an applicant meets the requirements specified on the first question of the Conduct and Competency, submit fingerprints.
  • If there is some type of misconduct that needs to be reported, you will need to prepare and attach a written explanation of what happened, and, when applicable, gather and SCAN complete copies of any related criminal complaint, criminal judgment, police reports, disciplinary letters/findings, correspondence, etc., as applicable. (Note: information printed from the CCAP web site is NOT sufficient)
  • All supporting documents must be available for uploads as attachment in the online application system.

Failure to submit all necessary information in support of an application will result in a significant delay in processing and may result in denial of an application.

Fingerprint Requirement

The following applicants are required to submit fingerprints to the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) when applying for a license:

  • Applicants who have worked, resided, or physically attended classes in any of the locations listed below within the last twenty years (after age 17):
  • U.S. states other than Wisconsin
  • Listed U.S. territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, or Virgin Islands)
  • Canada
  • Great Britain (England, Scotland, or Wales)
  • Applicants, who since their most recent submission of fingerprints to DPI have worked, resided, or physically attended classes in any locations listed above.
  • Applicants who provide an address on their application that is in any of the locations listed above.

We look forward to hearing from you.

If you have any questions about the application process or requirements, please contact us.
Start Application

Employment Requirements

Please review the following requirements and gather any documents you may need before you start your application. It usually takes about two hours to complete the application. If you are not able to complete the entire application at one time, you will be able to save your progress and continue later.

Completed Online Application

After you have completed the online application, you will be prompted to select a Guest Teacher Workshop to attend (classroom employees). Or you will be prompted to submit any additional application materials in an alternative way (non-classroom employees). Once submitted, an Edustaff representative will be in contact with you if anything additional is needed and/or next steps.

Acceptable Form of ID (As required by federal I-9 Guidelines)

View list of acceptable documents.

Professional Development

Edustaff applicants will be required to complete a variety of online professional development training modules. Some examples are listed below:

K-12 Applicants

  • Active Shooter
  • Allergy Management
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Food Safety – (Food Service applicants only)
  • Hazardous Communications (Custodial applicants only)
  • Seclusion & Restraint
  • Sexual Harassment
  • State and Federal Laws K12
  • Title IX

Higher Education (College and University) Employees

  • Sexual Harassment
  • State and Federal Laws Higher Ed
  • Title IX

Employee Reference Check

As a condition for employment with Edustaff and part of the application process, you may need to provide up to three (3) employer and/or non-family member references.